
De Cock

Innovatief ondernemerschap

Any topic of innovative entrepreneurship – the process of turning innovative ideas into impact. F.e.:
- mental health of entrepreneurs
- (strategic) challenges of start-ups and scale-ups
- entrepreneurial teams
- getting funding of investors
- How can governments support entrepreneurship
- Internationalisatie van start-ups
Any topic on corporate innovation – how can corporates renew themselves, develop new ideas f.e.:
- new innovative business models
- (challenges of) Organizing innovation in a corporate
- How corporates can drive sustainability with innovative ideas (corporate impact investing,…)
- Technology transfer – how research institutes can commercialize their technologies


Zelfstandig ondernemen
Management en organisatie


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Professor Ondernemerschap & Innovatie -Antwerp Management School
Valorisatieboard - VITO
Lid jury Jonge Antwerps ondernemer van het jaar (JCR)
Gastprofessor ETH Zürich
Huidige nationaliteit(en)

Studie(s) en diploma's

PhD, Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, Innovatie & ondernemerschap, Universiteit Gent

Huidige functieomschrijving

Professor Innovatie & Ondernemerschap, Antwerp Management School
Academic director Master innovation and entrepreneurship
Academic director Mastering digital disruption


Ondersteunen van ondernemers door teaching/coaching & academisch en toegepast onderzoek

Relevante onderzoeken

De Cock, R., Andries, P., & Clarysse, B. (2021). How founder characteristics imprint ventures’ internationalization processes: The role of international experience and cognitive beliefs. Journal of World Business, 56(3), 101163.
De Cock, R., Denoo, L., & Clarysse, B. (2020). Surviving the emotional rollercoaster called entrepreneurship: The role of emotion regulation. Journal of Business Venturing, 35(2), 105936.
Uecke, O., De Cock, R., Clarysse, B., & Crispeels, T. (Eds.). (2015). Effective Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: Best Practice Case Studies in Europe. World Scientific.

Mijn media ervaring

Mediaervaring in verschillende kranten en tijdschriften gaande van de Tijd, de Standaard, Knack tot Goedgevoel, HR magazine,...