Heidi Mertes, bio-ethicus



Ik ben gespecialiseerd in bio-ethiek en medische ethiek. Specifieke onderzoeksdomeinen zijn de ethiek van de reproductieve geneeskunde, de ethische problematiek rond embryonaal stamcelonderzoek, embryo-onderzoek en genetica (vooral in de prenatale, pre-implantatie en preconceptionele context).


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Federale Commissie voor onderzoek op embryo's in vitro
Voorzitter vzw De Maakbare Mens (lidvereniging deMens.nu)
Special Interest Group Ethics and Law, European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
Huidige nationaliteit(en)

Studie(s) en diploma's

Kandidaat, licentiaat, aggregaat en doctoraat in de Moraalwetenschappen
Doctoraat in de Filosofie

Huidige functieomschrijving

Postdoctoraal onderzoeker en docent in de bio-ethiek



Oct 2018 - current lecturer in ethics at Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (40%)
Oct 2017 – current postdoctoral researcher at Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Sep 2017 – current Senior deputy SIG Ethics and Law, European Society for Reproductive Medicine and Embryology (ESHRE)
Mar 2016 – current President, De Maakbare Mens
Oct 2015 – current Board of directors, De Maakbare Mens
Dec 2013 – current Member of the Federal Commission for medical and scientific research on Embryo’s in vitro (FCE)

Aug 2018 - Nov 2018 Lecturer at Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology (40%)
Jan 2018 – May 2018 Adjunct lecturer, Dedman School of Law, Southern Methodist University (10%)
Oct 2014 – Sep 2017 Lecturer in ethics at Ghent University (30%)
Oct 2014 – Sep 2017 postdoctoral research fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders (70%)
Oct 2015 – Sep 2016 Secretary of examination committee Department of Philosophy & Moral sciences Ghent University
Jan 2012 – Jan 2016 Associate Editor for Human Reproduction
Oct 2010 – Sep 2014 postdoctoral research fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders
Oct 2009 – Sep 2010 doctor-assistant at Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Mar 2005 – Feb 2009 researcher at Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
May 2003 – Feb 2005 translator at Universal Computer Systems, Houston TX, USA

Jan 2002 – Jun 2002 researcher at Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Relevante Publicaties

permanent link to publications: http://lib.ugent.be/bibliografie/801001621876
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3029-2158

Segers S, Pennings G, Dondorp W, de Wert G, Mertes H. In vitro gametogenesis and reproductive cloning: Can we allow one while banning the other? Bioethics 2019;10.1111/bioe.12505 [Epub ahead of print]
Mertes H, Van Assche K. UTx with deceased donors also places risks and burdens on third parties. American Journal of Bioethics 2018 (forthcoming)
Salaert M, Mertes H, De Baere E, Devisch I. Incidental or secondary findings: an integrative and patient-inclusive approach to the current debate. European Journal of Human Genetics 2018 (forthcoming)
Jans V, Dondorp W, Goossens E, Mertes H, Pennings G, Smeets H, de Wert G. Of mice and human embryos. Evaluating the order of preclinical animal and human embryo research on new assisted reproductive technologies. Human Reproduction (forthcoming)
Segers S, Pennings G, Dondorp W, de Wert G, Mertes H. In vitro gametogenesis and the creation of ‘designer babies’. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (forthcoming)
Mishra S, Kacin E, Stamatiadis P, Franck S, Van der Jeught M, Mertes H, Pennings G, De Sutter P, Sermon K, Heindryckx B, Geens M. The role of the reprogramming method and pluripotency state in gamete differentiation from patient-specific human pluripotent stem cells. MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine 2018; doi: 10.1093/molehr/gay007. [Epub ahead of print]
Jans V, Dondorp W, Goossens E, Mertes H, Pennings G, de Wert G. Balancing animal welfare and assisted reproduction : ethics of preclinical animal research for testing new reproductive technologies. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2018; doi: 10.1007/s11019-018-9827-0 [Epub ahead of print].
Mertes H, Lindheim S, Pennings G. Ethical quandaries around expanded carrier screening in third party reproduction. Fertility and Sterility 2018;109(2):190-194.
Rombaut C, Mertes H, Heindryckx B, Goossens E. Human in vitro spermatogenesis from pluripotent stem cells: in need of a stepwise differentiation protocol? MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine 2018;24(2):47–54.
Segers S, Pennings G, Mertes H. Ethical reflections on stem cell-derived gametes. Médecine Thérapeutique 2017;19(4):298-306.
Harper JC, Aittomäki K, Borry P, De Wert G, Dondorp W, Geraedts J, Gianaroli L, Ketterson K, Liebaers I, Lundin K, Mertes H, Morris M, Pennings G, Sermon K, Spits C, Soini S, Cornel MC, Van Montfoort APA, Veiga A, Vermeesch JR, Viville S and Macek Jr M on behalf of the European Society of Human Genetics and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Recent developments in genetics and medically-assisted reproduction: from research to clinical applications. Human Reproduction Open 2017;3:hox015, https://doi.org/10.1093/hropen/hox015.
Harper JC, Aittomäki K, Borry P, De Wert G, Dondorp W, Geraedts J, Gianaroli L, Ketterson K, Liebaers I, Lundin K, Mertes H, Morris M, Pennings G, Sermon K, Spits C, Soini S, Cornel MC, Van Montfoort APA, Veiga A, Vermeesch JR, Viville S and Macek Jr M on behalf of the European Society of Human Genetics and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Recent developments in genetics and medically-assisted reproduction: from research to clinical applications. European Journal of Human Genetics 2018;26:12–33. [NOTE: content of this publication is identical to the publication above]
Pennings G, Segers S, Debrock S, Heindryckx B, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Punjabi U, Vande Velde H, Van Steirteghem A and Mertes H. Human embryo research in Belgium: an overview. Fertility and Sterility 2017;108(1):96-107.
Segers S, Mertes H, Pennings G, de Wert G and Dondorp W. Using stem cell-derived gametes for same-sex reproduction: an alternative scenario. Journal of Medical Ethics 2017; doi: 10.1136/medethics-2016-103863.
Segers S, Mertes H, de Wert G, Dondorp W and Pennings G. Balancing Ethical Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Derived Gametes. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2017:1-13.
Mertes H. The role of anticipated decision regret and the patient’s best interest in sterilisation and medically assisted reproduction. Journal of Medical Ethics 2017;43:314-318.
Mertes H and Pennings G. Modification of the embryo’s genome: more useful in research than in the clinic. The American Journal of Bioethics 2015;15(12):52-53.
Zoll M, Mertes H and Gupta J. Corporate giants provide fertility benefits: have they got it wrong? European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2015;195:A1-A2.
Mertes H. Let's not forget that many prepubertal girls do have other options besides ovarian tissue cryopreservation. Human Reproduction 2015;30(9):2011-2013. (editorial commentary)
Mertes H. Does company-sponsored egg freezing promote or confine women’s reproductive autonomy? Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2015;32(8):1205-1209.
Mertes H and Hens K. The diversity of genetic perfection. American Journal of Bioethics 2015;15(6):34-6.
Mertes H. Gamete derivation from stem cells: revisiting the concept of genetic parenthood. Journal of Medical Ethics 2014;40(11):744-747.
Mertes H. A moratorium on breeding better babies. Journal of Medical Ethics 2014;40(11):734-735.
Mertes H. The portrayal of healthy women requesting oocyte cryopreservation. Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn 2013;5(2):141-146.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Testicular tissue cryopreservation: Combining access with safeguards. The American Journal of Bioethics 2013;13:46-48.
Mertes H, Pennings G, Dondorp W, de Wert G. Implications of oocyte cryostorage for the practice of oocyte donation. Human Reproduction 2012;27:2886-2893.
Pennings G, Mertes H. Ethical issues in infertility treatment. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2012;26:853-863.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Elective oocyte cryopreservation: who should pay? Human Reproduction 2011;27:9-13.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Social egg freezing: for better, not for worse. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2011;23:824-829. (Reprinted in Fertility Magazine 2013;15:40-45.)
Mertes H, Pennings G. Ethical concerns eliminated: Safer stimulation protocols and egg banking. The American Journal of Bioethics 2011;11:33-35.
Mertes H, Pennings G. The force of dissimilar analogies in bioethics. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2011;32(2): 117-128.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Ethical aspects of the use of stem cell derived gametes for reproduction. Health Care Analysis 2010;18(3):267-278.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Preserving and restoring fertility: current techniques and prospects for the future. Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2010;5(2):157-159. (meeting report)
Mertes H, Pennings G. Stem cell research policies: Who’s afraid of complicity? Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2009;19:38-42.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Cross-border research on human embryonic stem cells: legal and ethical considerations. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 2009;5(1):10-17.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Embryonic stem cell derived gametes and genetic parenthood: a problematic relationship. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2008;17(1):7-14.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Oocyte donation for stem cell research. Human Reproduction 2007;22(3):629-634.
Mertes H, Pennings G, Van Steirteghem A. An ethical analysis of alternative methods to obtain pluripotent stem cells without destroying embryos. Human Reproduction 2006;21(11):2749-55.

Pennings G, Segers S, Debrock S, Heindryckx B, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Punjabi U, Vande Velde H, Van Steirteghem A, Mertes H. Onderzoek op menselijke embryo’s in België: een overzicht. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2018;74(5):316-323.
Mertes H. Understanding the ethical concerns that have shaped European regulation of human embryonic stem cell research. Proceedings of the Belgian royal academies of medicine 2012;1:127-139.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Eiceldonatie voor stamcelonderzoek: schuilt er kwaad in de vergoeding? Ethiek en Maatschappij 2008;11(4):3-14.
Mertes H, Pennings G, Van Steirteghem A. Op zoek naar ‘ethische’ embryonale stamcellen. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2007;63(12): 567-573.

Pennings G, Segers S, Mertes H. 2018. Modern Ethical Dilemmas in ART. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences (fortcoming).
Mertes H. Stem cell derived gametes and uterus transplants: hurray for the end of third party reproduction! Or not? In: van Beers B, Sterckx S, Dickenson D. (eds) Personalised Medicine, Individual Choice and the Common Good. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018 (forthcoming).
Mertes H. Donation of embryos for research – maintaining trust. In: Giordano S, Harris J, Picirillo L (eds) The Freedom of Scientific Research: An Anthology. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2018 (forthcoming).
Mertes H. Ethical Aspects of AGE Banking. In: Stoop D. (ed.) Preventing Age Related Fertility Loss. Springer, Cham, 2018 (Online first: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14857-1_13)
Pennings G, Mertes H. Ethical aspects of genetic screening of gamete donors. Medically assisted reproduction: towards a common European legislation? M. Kaiafa-Gbandi, E. Kounougeri-Manoledaki, E. Symeonidou-Kastanidou (eds.). Athens, Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas Publications, 2015: 259-269.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Gamete generation from stem cells to avoid gamete donation and customized hESC from blastomeres as the cellular insurance for the newborn: will it ever be ethically acceptable? Stem cells in reproductive medicine: basic science and therapeutic potential (3rd edition). C. Simon, A. Pellicer and R. Reijo Pera. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013: 93-101.
Pennings G, Mertes H. The state and the infertile patient looking for treatment abroad: a difficult relationship. Consumer Medicine A. Tupasela. Copenhagen, Nordic Council of Ministers, 2010: 93-110.
Mertes H, Pennings G. Gamete generation from stem cells: an ethicist’s view. Stem cells in human reproduction: basic science and therapeutic potential. C. Simon and A. Pellicer. London, Informa Healthcare, 2009: 14-21.

Mertes H. Egg banking in anticipation of age-related fertility decline. Using medical technology for better, not for worse. Ghent University (dissertation)
Mertes H, Repping S, de Wert G. Stating the obvious: discarding embryos does not increase your chance of having a baby. BioNews 2016; 835.
Mertes H. Koste wat het kost een kind? De Standaard 13/12/14 (opinion paper)
Mertes H. Company-sponsored egg freezing: perk or coercion? BioNews 2014; 777.
Mertes H, Pennings G, Van Steirteghem A. Embryo’s zijn geen miniatuurmensjes, maar balletjes cellen die niet kunnen denken of voelen. De Morgen 12/04/14 (opinion paper)
Mertes H. The interaction between science and ethics in the debate concerning stem cell research. Ghent University (dissertation)
Mertes H. Egg donation for stem cell research: reconciling scientific progress and women’s welfare. Bionews 2006; 364.
Braeckman J, Mertes H, Demeyere F & De Meester R. Ethische matrix voor de evaluatie van dierproeven, uitgave van het Centrum voor Milieufilosofie en Bio-ethiek aan de Universiteit Gent, 2003.

Relevante onderzoeken

doctoraatsonderzoek: interactie wetenschap en ethiek in het embryonaal stamceldebat
postdoctoraal onderzoek: ethiek fertility preservation (invriezen van ei- en zaadcellen, eierstokken, testiculair weefsel en embryo's voor toekomstige vruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen); ethiek prenatale genetische testen; ethiek in vitro gametogenese