

Steun voor anti-immigrantenpartijen
Representatie van minderheden (migranten, etnische minderheden) in de media
Stemgedrag voor extreemrechtse partijen
Politieke communicatie
Openbare omroep
Publieke opinie


Gedragswetenschappen of sociale wetenschappen
Politieke wetenschappen
Migratie en integratie


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Studie(s) en diploma's

Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen (Universiteit Antwerpen, 2010)

Master in de internationale politiek (Universiteit Gent, 2011)

Doctoraat in de sociale wetenschappen (KU Leuven, 2017) 

Proefschrift met als titel: The role of immigration news as contextual-level factor for anti-immigrant attitudes: The effect of tone and threat frames

Onderzoeker in politieke communicatie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (2017-2020) en ULB (2020-heden).

Huidige functieomschrijving

Postdoctoraal onderzoeker aan de Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in politieke communicatie/politicologie (stemgedrag, media-effecten, politieke communicatie)


Onderzoeker politieke communicatie.

Expertise in media & politiek & Belgische politiek (Vlaanderen en Wallonië).


2011-2012: Consultant SD Worx Antwerpen & Parijs

2012-2016: Doctoranda aan KU Leuven, Centrum voor Politicologie

2016-2017: Postdoctoraal onderzoeker, Centrum voor Sociologie

2017-2020: Postdoctoraal onderzoeker, Universiteit van Amsterdam

2020-Heden: Postdoctoraal onderzoeker, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Relevante Publicaties


Doctoral Thesis


Jacobs, L., Claes, E. (sup.) (2017). The role of immigration news as a contextual-level factor for anti-immigrant attitudes: The effect of tone and threat frames. KU Leuven, Leuven.


Articles in internationally peer-reviewed academic journals, published


  1. Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2021). Not all terror is alike: How right-wing extremist and islamist terror affect anti-immigration party support. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. [5-year IF: 1.83]
  2. Damstra, A., Jacobs L., Boukes, M. & Vliegenthart, R. (2021). The impact of immigration news on anti-immigrant party support: unpacking agenda-setting and issue ownership effects over time. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(1), 97-118. [2019 IF: 1.22]
  3. Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2020). Prosecuted, yet popular? Hate speech prosecution of anti-immigration politicians in the news and electoral support. Comparative European Politics, 18(6), 899-924. [2019 IF: 1.15]
  4. Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2020). A time-series analysis of contextual-level effects on hate crime in the Netherlands. Social Forces. [5-year IF: 3.24]
  5. Wichgers, L., Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2020). Trial and error: hate speech prosecution and its (unintended) effects on democratic support. Acta Politica. [2019 IF: 1.18]
  6. Wichgers, L., Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2020). The battle of frame building: The reciprocal relationship between journalists and frame sponsors. International Journal of Press/Politics. [5-year IF 3.11]
  7. Jacobs, L., Loosveldt, G. & Beullens, K. (2020). Do interviewer assessments of respondents’ performance accurately reflect response behavior? Field Methods, 32(2), 192-212 [5-year IF: 1.76]
  8. Jacobs, L. & Meeusen, C. (2020). Coming out of the closet, also on the news? A longitudinal analysis of patterns in visibility, tone and framing of LGBTs on television news (1986-2017). Journal of Homosexuality. [5-year IF 2.07]
  9. Jacobs, L. (2020). Tone and threats on television over time: A longitudinal analysis of news about Roma in Flanders (2003-2017). International Journal of Communication [5-year IF: 1.83]
  10. Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2019). Martyrs of free speech? Disentangling the effects of legal prosecution of anti-immigration politicians on their electoral support. Political Behavior. [5-year IF: 3.57]
  11. Jacobs, L., & Hooghe, M. (2019). Public television and anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe. A multilevel analysis of patterns in television consumption. Communications: European Journal of Communication Research, 45(2), 156-175. [5-year IF: 1.15]
  12. Jacobs, L., Boukes, M., & Vliegenthart, R. (2019). Combined forces: Thinking and/or feeling? How news consumption affects anti-Muslim attitudes through perceptions and emotions about the economy. Political Studies, 67(2), 326-347. [5-year IF: 2.45]
  13. Jacobs, L., Damstra, A., Boukes, M., & De Swert, K. (2018). Back to reality: The complex relationship between patterns in immigration news coverage and real-world developments in Dutch and Flemish newspapers (1999–2015). Mass Communication & Society, 21(4), 473-497. [5-year IF: 2.58]
  14. Jacobs, L. & van der Linden, M. (2018). Tone matters: effects of exposure to positive and negative tone of television news stories on anti-immigrant attitudes and carry-over effects to uninvolved immigrant groups. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 30(2), 211–232. [5-year IF: 1.83]
  15. Jacobs, L., Hooghe, M. & de Vroome, T. (2017). Television and anti-immigrant sentiments: the mediating role of fear of crime and perceived ethnic diversity. European Societies, 19(3), 243-267. [5-year IF: 1.32]
  16. Jacobs, L. (2017) Patterns of criminal threat in television news coverage of ethnic minorities (2003-2013) in Flanders. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(5), 809-829. [5-year IF: 3.17]
  17. Meeusen, C., Jacobs, L. (2017). The contextual role of television news content of minority groups and differences between target-specific prejudices. Mass Communication & Society, 20(2), 213–240. [5-year IF: 2.58]
  18. Van der Linden, M., Jacobs, L. (2016). The impact of cultural, economic, and safety issues in Flemish television news coverage (2003-2013) of North African immigrants on perceptions of intergroup threat. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(15), 2823-2841. [5-year IF: 2.07]
  19. Jacobs, L., Meeusen, C., D’Haenens, L. (2016). News coverage and attitudes on immigration: Public and commercial television news compared. European Journal of Communication, 31(6), 642–660. [5-year IF: 2.35]
  20. Hooghe, M., Jacobs, L., & Claes, E. (2015). Enduring gender bias in reporting on political elite positions: Media coverage of female MPs in Belgian news broadcasts (2003-2011). The International Journal of Press/Politics, 20(4), 395–414. [5-year IF: 3.11]
  21. Jacobs, L., Claes, E., & Hooghe, M. (2015). The occupational roles of women and ethnic minorities on primetime television in Belgium. An analysis of occupational status measurements. Mass Communication & Society, 18(4), 498–521. [5-year IF: 2.58]


Book chapters


Jacobs, L. (2021, forthcoming). News Coverage of Immigration. In Borchard, G. A., Encyclopedia of Journalism.


Scientific / Policy reports


Wuyts, C., Jacobs, L., De Coninck, D., Italiano, P. & Loosveldt, G. (2018). European Social Survey Round 8-Belgium: Process evaluation for the data collection. Centre for Survey Methodology, KU Leuven, Leuven.

Jacobs, L., Meeusen, C. & D’Haenens, L. (2018). Nieuwberichtgeving over immigratie en de houding tegenover immigratie : Een vergelijking tussen nieuws op de openbare en commerciële zender. [News coverage on immigration and immigration attitudes: A note on differences between public and commercial news]. Mens en Maatschappij, 93(2), 170-172.  

Jacobs, L., Wuyts, C. & Loosveldt, G. (2017). Public opinion about migration in Belgium: Continuity or change? (2002-2014). Centre for Survey Methodology, KU Leuven, Leuven.

Jacobs, L., Wuyts, C. & Loosveldt, G. (2017). De visie van de Belg op vluchtelingen: Een overzicht van de resultaten van de European Social Survey (ESS) 2016. [Public opinion of Belgians on refugees: An overview of the results of the European Social Survey (ESS) 2016]. Centre for Survey Methodology, KU Leuven, Leuven.

Jacobs, L. & Hooghe, M. (2015). Worden we overspoeld door immigratie(nieuws)? een onderzoek naar de berichtgeving over immigratie in de Vlaamse televisiejournaals. [Are we being flooded by immigration (news)? An investigation of coverage on immigration in the Flemish television newscasts]. Nieuwsmonitor 26. Steunpunt Media: Antwerpen/Leuven.

Jacobs, L. & Hooghe, M. (2015). Spreekbuis van hun gemeenschap? Een onderzoek naar de thema’s waarin politici uit etnisch-culturele minderheidsgroepen op de Vlaamse televisiejournaals aan bod komen. [Spokesperson of their community? An investigation of the themes with which politicians with an ethnic minority background are associated on Flemish television news]. Nieuwsmonitor 21. Steunpunt Media: Antwerpen/Leuven.

Jacobs, L. & Hooghe, M. (2014). Roldiversiteit op de Vlaamse en Franstalige televisie. [Role diversity on the Flemish and French-speaking television].  Steunpunt Media: Antwerpen / Leuven.

Jacobs, L. & Hooghe, M. (2014). Televisie en anti-immigrantenhoudingen in Europa. [Television and anti-immigration attitudes in Europe]. Steunpunt Media: Antwerpen / Leuven.


Relevante onderzoeken


Wuyts, C., Jacobs, L., De Coninck, D., Italiano, P. & Loosveldt, G. (2018). European Social Survey Round 8-Belgium: Process evaluation for the data collection. Centre for Survey Methodology, KU Leuven, Leuven.

Jacobs, L., Meeusen, C. & D’Haenens, L. (2018). Nieuwberichtgeving over immigratie en de houding tegenover immigratie : Een vergelijking tussen nieuws op de openbare en commerciële zender. [News coverage on immigration and immigration attitudes: A note on differences between public and commercial news]. Mens en Maatschappij, 93(2), 170-172.  

Jacobs, L., Wuyts, C. & Loosveldt, G. (2017). Public opinion about migration in Belgium: Continuity or change? (2002-2014). Centre for Survey Methodology, KU Leuven, Leuven.

Jacobs, L., Wuyts, C. & Loosveldt, G. (2017). De visie van de Belg op vluchtelingen: Een overzicht van de resultaten van de European Social Survey (ESS) 2016. [Public opinion of Belgians on refugees: An overview of the results of the European Social Survey (ESS) 2016]. Centre for Survey Methodology, KU Leuven, Leuven.

Jacobs, L. & Hooghe, M. (2015). Worden we overspoeld door immigratie(nieuws)? een onderzoek naar de berichtgeving over immigratie in de Vlaamse televisiejournaals. [Are we being flooded by immigration (news)? An investigation of coverage on immigration in the Flemish television newscasts]. Nieuwsmonitor 26. Steunpunt Media: Antwerpen/Leuven.

Jacobs, L. & Hooghe, M. (2015). Spreekbuis van hun gemeenschap? Een onderzoek naar de thema’s waarin politici uit etnisch-culturele minderheidsgroepen op de Vlaamse televisiejournaals aan bod komen. [Spokesperson of their community? An investigation of the themes with which politicians with an ethnic minority background are associated on Flemish television news]. Nieuwsmonitor 21. Steunpunt Media: Antwerpen/Leuven.

Jacobs, L. & Hooghe, M. (2014). Roldiversiteit op de Vlaamse en Franstalige televisie. [Role diversity on the Flemish and French-speaking television].  Steunpunt Media: Antwerpen / Leuven.

Jacobs, L. & Hooghe, M. (2014). Televisie en anti-immigrantenhoudingen in Europa. [Television and anti-immigration attitudes in Europe]. Steunpunt Media: Antwerpen / Leuven.



  1. Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2021). Not all terror is alike: How right-wing extremist and islamist terror affect anti-immigration party support. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. [5-year IF: 1.83]
  2. Damstra, A., Jacobs L., Boukes, M. & Vliegenthart, R. (2021). The impact of immigration news on anti-immigrant party support: unpacking agenda-setting and issue ownership effects over time. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(1), 97-118. [2019 IF: 1.22]
  3. Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2020). Prosecuted, yet popular? Hate speech prosecution of anti-immigration politicians in the news and electoral support. Comparative European Politics, 18(6), 899-924. [2019 IF: 1.15]
  4. Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2020). A time-series analysis of contextual-level effects on hate crime in the Netherlands. Social Forces. [5-year IF: 3.24]
  5. Wichgers, L., Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2020). Trial and error: hate speech prosecution and its (unintended) effects on democratic support. Acta Politica. [2019 IF: 1.18]
  6. Wichgers, L., Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2020). The battle of frame building: The reciprocal relationship between journalists and frame sponsors. International Journal of Press/Politics. [5-year IF 3.11]
  7. Jacobs, L., Loosveldt, G. & Beullens, K. (2020). Do interviewer assessments of respondents’ performance accurately reflect response behavior? Field Methods, 32(2), 192-212 [5-year IF: 1.76]
  8. Jacobs, L. & Meeusen, C. (2020). Coming out of the closet, also on the news? A longitudinal analysis of patterns in visibility, tone and framing of LGBTs on television news (1986-2017). Journal of Homosexuality. [5-year IF 2.07]
  9. Jacobs, L. (2020). Tone and threats on television over time: A longitudinal analysis of news about Roma in Flanders (2003-2017). International Journal of Communication [5-year IF: 1.83]
  10. Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J. (2019). Martyrs of free speech? Disentangling the effects of legal prosecution of anti-immigration politicians on their electoral support. Political Behavior. [5-year IF: 3.57]
  11. Jacobs, L., & Hooghe, M. (2019). Public television and anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe. A multilevel analysis of patterns in television consumption. Communications: European Journal of Communication Research, 45(2), 156-175. [5-year IF: 1.15]
  12. Jacobs, L., Boukes, M., & Vliegenthart, R. (2019). Combined forces: Thinking and/or feeling? How news consumption affects anti-Muslim attitudes through perceptions and emotions about the economy. Political Studies, 67(2), 326-347. [5-year IF: 2.45]
  13. Jacobs, L., Damstra, A., Boukes, M., & De Swert, K. (2018). Back to reality: The complex relationship between patterns in immigration news coverage and real-world developments in Dutch and Flemish newspapers (1999–2015). Mass Communication & Society, 21(4), 473-497. [5-year IF: 2.58]
  14. Jacobs, L. & van der Linden, M. (2018). Tone matters: effects of exposure to positive and negative tone of television news stories on anti-immigrant attitudes and carry-over effects to uninvolved immigrant groups. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 30(2), 211–232. [5-year IF: 1.83]
  15. Jacobs, L., Hooghe, M. & de Vroome, T. (2017). Television and anti-immigrant sentiments: the mediating role of fear of crime and perceived ethnic diversity. European Societies, 19(3), 243-267. [5-year IF: 1.32]
  16. Jacobs, L. (2017) Patterns of criminal threat in television news coverage of ethnic minorities (2003-2013) in Flanders. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(5), 809-829. [5-year IF: 3.17]
  17. Meeusen, C., Jacobs, L. (2017). The contextual role of television news content of minority groups and differences between target-specific prejudices. Mass Communication & Society, 20(2), 213–240. [5-year IF: 2.58]
  18. Van der Linden, M., Jacobs, L. (2016). The impact of cultural, economic, and safety issues in Flemish television news coverage (2003-2013) of North African immigrants on perceptions of intergroup threat. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(15), 2823-2841. [5-year IF: 2.07]
  19. Jacobs, L., Meeusen, C., D’Haenens, L. (2016). News coverage and attitudes on immigration: Public and commercial television news compared. European Journal of Communication, 31(6), 642–660. [5-year IF: 2.35]
  20. Hooghe, M., Jacobs, L., & Claes, E. (2015). Enduring gender bias in reporting on political elite positions: Media coverage of female MPs in Belgian news broadcasts (2003-2011). The International Journal of Press/Politics, 20(4), 395–414. [5-year IF: 3.11]
  21. Jacobs, L., Claes, E., & Hooghe, M. (2015). The occupational roles of women and ethnic minorities on primetime television in Belgium. An analysis of occupational status measurements. Mass Communication & Society, 18(4), 498–521. [5-year IF: 2.58]


Mijn media ervaring

Interviews/contributions traditional news media outlets


  • La Dernière Heure (2020). Contribution to newspaper article on role of citizenship and compliance with corona measures. Link
  • Le Vif (2020). Contribution to newspaper article on role of citizenship and compliance with corona measures. Link
  • Sudinfo (2020). Contribution to newspaper article on role of citizenship and compliance with corona measures. Link
  • La Libre Belgique (2020). Contribution to newspaper article on role of citizenship and compliance with corona measures. Link
  • Het Nieuwsblad (2020). Contribution to newspaper article on visibility of LGBT in news media. Link
  • Radio 1 (2017). Interview on attitudes on refugees on Radio 1 (Hautekiet) in morning show. Link.
  • L’Avenir (2017). Contribution to newspaper article on attitude on refugees. Link
  • De Standaard (2017). Contribution to newspaper article on visibility of LGBT in news media. Link.
  • Knack (2017). Contribution to newspaper article on attitude on climate change. Link
  • Knack (2017). Contribution to newspaper article on attitude on refugees. Link.
  • Het Laatste Nieuws (2017). Contribution to newspaper article on attitude on refugees. Link
  • De Morgen (2017). Contribution to newspaper article on attitude on refugees. Link
  • De Standaard. Contribution to newspaper article on attitude on refugees. Link
  • Knack (2017). Contribution to newspaper article on visibility of LGBT in news media. Link.
  • De Morgen (2015). Contribution to article: “Niewsuitzendingen bekennen weinig kleur (Newscasts are not that colourful). Link
  • De Standaard (2014). Contribution to article: “VRT is niet buitensporig groot” (VRT is not exceptionally big”). Link.


Other contributions to societal debate (scientific):


  • Academic Times (2021). Contribution to interview “Right-wing terrorism costs anti-immigration parties conservative votes”. Link
  • Espaces de Libertés (2020). And now it’s the turn for the VB? 
  • Chinese Social Science Today (2020). Interview on role of interviewer effects in survey data.
  • Sociale Vraagstukken (2020). Burgerzin van levensbelang voor coronabestrijding (Citizenship of vital importance for fighting corona). Link.
  • KU Leuven Blogt. (2014). Waar zien we die migranten dan? (Where do we encounter migrants?). Link
  • KU Leuven Blogt. (2014). De media zijn de belangrijkste politieke actor geworden (Media have become the most important political actor). Link
  • SDVJ (Stimulation Fund for Journalism). How public and commercial channels differ in their reporting of immigration. Link